About starshout

Starshout provides direct, personal access to celebrities

Using our patent-pending technology, we're able to provide access to celebrities on a near real-time basis, creating beautiful high-definition videos which we deliver electronically.

A starshout is a fabulous gift!

What to get for the man that has everything? birthdays, anniversaries, retirements, graduations, bar mitzvahs, weddings, parole, you name it...

Choose your Drag Queen tell us about the occasion, and upload a photo of the recipient. Your player then sees that picture as they're recording their best wishes, and that picture appears as part of the video itself!

Ask a question

Always wanted to be a drag queen? Wondering where they hide it? Need to know about 'coming out' in rural America? Becoming a drag queen is an intense trip and the girls are happy to share their experiences with you!

Get advice!

Feeling blue? Relationship troubles? Family issues? drug problems? Talk to our queens. They're amongst the kindest, least judgemental and most compassionate people on the planet, and they'll be happy to help.

Health issues, abuse, addiction, financial struggles, and the loss of loved ones; they can send a message to a friend or loved one to keep up the fight and just hang in there. Put the problem in the 'search' box at the top right hand corner of the screen to find the girl who can help.